Wildflower Walk - Martin Tract
Stop and smell the wildflowers on this wander through the beautiful trails at the wildlife refuge with a hike on the Martin Tract! Not normally open to the public!
On this wildflower wander, we will stop and take the time to get to know the beautiful wildflowers on the Refuge. We will work together using guides and nature applications to identify the flowers and appreciate their purposes and uses.
This hike is a great opportunity to learn about wildflowers, and take a break from the busy pace of life :) This is also a great opportunity to learn how to use your wildflower guides and get to know some of the nature applications you can use to identify flowers wherever you are!
Our guided hiking tours on non-public tracts provide a special opportunity to see portions of the refuge that are set aside exclusively for our native plants and animals! These private tracts are made available to you to view exclusively through our guided hike program.
These hiking tours move at a moderate place, with stops along the way to discuss the birds, plants, history, geology and habitats of the Refuge. We see many native plants and beautiful views along the way.
Who is this hike for?
If you are interested in learning more about nature and the refuge, then this hike is for you! Our wonderful guided hike leaders will share information about the refuge, plants, native wildlife, and more!
What kind of hike will this be?
This walk will be along an old 2-track ranch road that has 377 feet of elevation gains and possibly around our pollinator garden as well. The distrance traveled will depend on what we see! The loose rocks combined with short steep slopes make this mostly un-shaded trail moderately difficult.
Meeting Location
BCNWR Headquarters: 24518 Ranch Road 1431, Marble Falls, TX
Since this hike is on the weekend when the visitor center is closed, one of the hike leaders will meet you at the gate to the headquarters of Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge and give you access to the main parking lot. Once all registered participants are checked in, we will go to the trailhead from there.
Please be there 15 minutes before the hike start time so that we can start the hike promptly. Once the hike begins, no one will be monitoring the gate.
Please note that since this is not a public trail, restrooms and drinking water are not available at the trailhead. Lago Vista is ~9 minutes from the trailhead and a convenient place to stop prior to arriving at the headquarters!
As always, wear appropriate shoes, bring plenty of water, bug spray, and sunscreen. Due to slippery rocks on the trail, hiking poles are also highly recommended.
Group Size
Registration is limited to 20 participants for this hike.
Weather Advisory and Other Cancellations
In the event that we need to cancel due to extreme weather or other unforeseen conditions you will be notified via email and text.
Participant Cancellations
Our hikes are popular and often have wait lists, if you need to cancel, we ask that you try to do so at least 48 hours in advance so that a wait-list participant is notified in adequate time to be able to join us on the trail!
Send us an email at hikes@friendsofbalcones.org